I am 300 pages into Cold Days and I have a number of thoughts. Now, if you haven’t read any Harry Dresden, you probably would rather read this introductory post to him than the discussions of what’s going to be… Continue Reading
I am 300 pages into Cold Days and I have a number of thoughts. Now, if you haven’t read any Harry Dresden, you probably would rather read this introductory post to him than the discussions of what’s going to be… Continue Reading
I am currently finishing up Cold Days in preparation for tomorrow. I hit the part with the guy, and then the thing, and then the other thing, and, seriously, I was wearing my Santa Suit at the time and that… Continue Reading
Playing Assassin’s Creed 3 and loving it, playing Baldur’s Gate and trying to remember being smart enough to play these games, and filling in the cracks with Magic: The Gathering 2013. So… what are you playing?
Having finished the spectacularly creepy The Doll’s House, we’re now fixing to take a week off, allowing those of you who have not yet purchased The Sandman, Vol. 3: Dream Country to do so. As always, if you absolutely positively have… Continue Reading
Holy cow! Is tomorrow Friday already? Indeed it is. Well, this is the weekend where I have to Be Santa. So that’s pretty much eating up the whole danged thing. Friday night is psyching up, Saturday morning is Being The… Continue Reading
Our assignment was to read the final two issues from The Doll’s House: Into the Night and Lost Hearts. Mike Schilling does the honors this week. Glyph’s introduction to Sandman, in three parts, here, here, and here. Preludes and Nocturnes recaps… Continue Reading
Ever since I started my job at my current workplace, I’ve played the Santa at the Company Children’s Christmas Party (or CCCP (no politics)). This Saturday will find me returning to The Suit. I always find it horribly stressful. I… Continue Reading
This week, our assignment was to watch the episode “Entrada” from Season Three of Fringe. (You can read the Television Without Pity Recap here, while the AV Club has their recap of the episode here. The post dedicated to the… Continue Reading
Well, once again, we find the local lite-music station to have switched to 24/7 Christmas songs. This means that, once again, Holiday Kinetic Action is upon us. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,… Continue Reading
So I’ve started Cold Days despite still only being a third of the way through American Gods. OH MY GOSH THEY’RE BOTH REALLY GOOD. Set your watch, I’m hoping to discuss Dresden a week from tomorrow. Is that a good… Continue Reading