Strange Wifely Behavior

After our RET meeting today, The Wife and another member opted out of going to lunch with the other members of RET — not that she didn’t want to hang out, she just didn’t want to eat Thai food. So she bailed out and ate at Panera Bread with another member of RET who preferred not to eat Thai.

She couldn’t wait to get home and pretty much the moment we got in the door she wanted to start packing our stuff up in boxes to get ready for the move back to California. So now we’ve got six or seven moving boxes of stuff where we used to have furniture and books. I guess there’s no time like the present to get a head start on packing, but we’re not scheduled to close on the house until June 5, so it feels a bit early to me. I wasn’t pleased about having my nightstand replaced by a moving box containing a nightstand.

And, I grilled up some chicken for dinner. The last time I did this, The Wife complained that it was too spicy, and she wouldn’t eat it. So tonight, I left most of the spice off of hers. Then, she complained that the chicken was bland. However, I have a tip for you all: green beans, with butter and a teaspoon of honey. Use a slotted spoon to serve them, but they taste great. The Wife loves them.

I love my wife. She does things I don’t understand sometimes.

Burt Likko

Pseudonymous Portlander. Homebrewer. Atheist. Recovering litigator. Recovering Republican. Recovering Catholic. Recovering divorcé. Recovering Former Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. House Likko's Words: Scite Verum. Colite Iusticia. Vivere Con Gaudium.


  1. Hmmm… you haven’t found any empty, wife-sized pods lying around the grounds, have you? Everyone knows about those well-organized, Thai-hating chicken critics.A month is probably about right to start serious moving work. Every single time I’ve ever moved, no matter how early I half-heartedly started thinking about it, I ended up throwing random crap into boxes at 3:30 a.m. the night before I had to leave.

  2. Exactly! Seems like no matter how much I get done ahead of schedule, the night before is a disaster – stuff just thrown into any empty box, little packing material, etc.Also, since I’m not allowed to go near the kitchen to pack I may as well pack up all the other stuff we’re not using. Pictures, candles and decorative stuff are all I’ve boxed up -aside from the night stand. But hey, I gave you a different and improved night box – it’s bigger, it’s better, what more could you ask for? Besides, what’s the point of having all of the above items lie about when it can be squared away in cardboard? Besides if I don’t pack this stuff up now when will I have time to? June 5th is quickly approaching and with 3 trips (starting this week!) time is a commodity I just don’t have a lot of.Also, you’re a busy fella’s whose packing prowess consists of putting every book you own into one colossal box that not even Hercules could lift.

  3. Nuh-unh! Hercules could totally lift those boxes! Unfortunately, we’ve only got mere mortals to help with the move, so I’ll have to show some restraint this time around. And you’re not allowed to pack up the kitchen a month in advance of the move because I like to eat, which I don’t think is a terribly unreasonable request.

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