Get Out, Ann. Right Now.

I would prefer to treat Ann Coulter’s role in the contemporary Republican party the way I would treat a sunburn on my ass — ignore it and hope it goes away. But sometimes you need to speak out on things. Things like this.

This bit of sunburn I can’t ignore. No responsible Republican should. The number of things wrong with Coulter’s statement are legion.

Get out, Ann. Get out of my party. Get out of my movement. There ought to be no place for you or bigots like you or this kind of statement at the annual premier political event of the conservative movement.

For those Republicans (or conservatives, if you prefer) at the conference who applauded and laughed: shame on you. Shame on you for approving of that. Even if you are not ashamed of being bigots, you should be ashamed to be such fools as to to hand our adversaries so much ammunition.

To Mitt Romney: you want to be President? Then you have no choice but to retract your introductory remarks of Coulter and condemn her instead, and do it fast. Do it today. Certainly do it before you leave CPAC tomorrow. The Democrats will not forget this and they will use it against you in the general election.

To the rest of the world: please forgive the rest of us. We’re not like that. That’s not what we’re all about. We’re about limited government, lower taxes, balanced budgets, having the government treat everyone the same, a strong defense, and the fair administration of justice. Ann Coulter is a diseased wart in the armpit of the body politic and she needs to be rejected by the marketplace.

UPDATE (March 4, 2007): Every Democrat in the universe was quick to pounce on the remark, and John Edwards is using the event to raise “Coulter Cash” for his campaign. All three major Republican candidates (Giuliani, McCain, and Romney) have condemned the remark, demonstrating that they are grownups. Coulter cannot make the same claim; she apparently sent an e-mail to the New York Times that said “C’mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.” Something is clearly very wrong with this person and she needs to go away. Here’s how it happens: Quit buying her books!

Burt Likko

Pseudonymous Portlander. Homebrewer. Atheist. Recovering litigator. Recovering Republican. Recovering Catholic. Recovering divorcé. Recovering Former Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. House Likko's Words: Scite Verum. Colite Iusticia. Vivere Con Gaudium.


  1. 2 posts removed over a Coulter comment. “Very In ter est ingWhy is it when I click on Pamela’s pictures it doesn’t enlarge like Google images 😉

  2. The comments were deleted by the author of the comments, not by me. The author posted something and later decided to pull the remarks off the net.And maybe Pamela doesn’t particularly want a big high-resolution picture of herself floating around the internet and doesn’t feel an obligation to facilitate anonymous blog commentators’ efforts to virtually ogle her. I’m a little bit creeped out over the concern over the picture and for that reason I’m taking down commentator pictures for this blog.

  3. Rosie? Who’s Rosie? Rosie O’Donnell? Why would I care about her any more than Joe Schmoe?What I did, I did in response to posts from anonymous commentators. If one of them was you, ZZI, I had no idea.

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