Petroleum Populism

It’s a strange thing when Republicans are openly and aggressively lobbying for offshore oil drilling. Not that they were ever opposed to it; it’s just that in the political environment I’ve been used to for my entire adult life, Republicans were trying to soft-pedal that sort of attitude so as to appear to have a “reasonable and balanced” view of environmental preservation. But they’ve dispensed with that and are now calling for open sale of leases and exploration rights anywhere more than 50 miles off the coast of the continental U.S. (with opt-in provisions for portions of the Carolinas).

And regular Americans are cheering them on for it. I guess a summer of sustained four-dollar-a-gallon gasoline will do that.

It leads to unusual spectacles of political theater. Like this bit of sustained silliness on the floor of the House of Representatives after the Speaker adjourned the House until the autumn session. Like Right Wing Nut House, I’m tickled to see actual signs of political activity on the part of the otherwise-moribund House Republicans who have otherwise been thoroughly run over by the Democrats. Particularly amusing was the fueled-by-adrenaline spectacle of Devin Nunes, a California Central Valley Republican:

Rep Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) just pretended to be a Democrat. He stood on the other side of the chamber and listed all of the GOP bills that the Dems killed. He then said “I am a Democrat and here is my energy plan” and he held up a picture of an old VW Bug with a sail attached to it. He paraded around he house floor with the sign while the crowd cheered.

Sophomoric, yes. Ill-advised and lowbrow? Indeed. But funny. Never let it be said that Republicans completely lack a sense of humor.

But take note! Today, Barack Obama softened his opposition to offshore oil drilling. In Florida. Obama is if anything a skilled politician and he seems to have the ability to read the pulse of the electorate and tap into their (our) emotions. He’s sensing that people are realizing that we need more oil.

What’s that then? Is that Obama pandering to the SUV-driving middle-class Americans who can’t afford to buy a hybrid just yet? Did I just see Prince of the Progressive Barack Obama actually triangulating on a conservative position?

Lo! And from the far left, there was heard the sound of much wailing and gnashing of teeth. But hey — this is democracy working. The American people want something. Politicians desperate for the rewards of giving it to them. Thus do the people get what they want from their government.

Burt Likko

Pseudonymous Portlander. Homebrewer. Atheist. Recovering litigator. Recovering Republican. Recovering Catholic. Recovering divorcé. Recovering Former Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. House Likko's Words: Scite Verum. Colite Iusticia. Vivere Con Gaudium.