Still Fighting Snow?

I had to mow my lawn today. The grass had grown too tall.

And yesterday when my friends and I drove to Santa Barbara for fish and chips, it was warm enough in the afternoon for guys to wear shorts and pretty women to wear sun dresses as we drank beer and smelled the eucalyptus on the salt air and mused about how we’d use our seven-for-a-dollar avocados.

There are some definite advantages to living in California.

Burt Likko

Pseudonymous Portlander. Homebrewer. Atheist. Recovering litigator. Recovering Republican. Recovering Catholic. Recovering divorcé. Recovering Former Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. House Likko's Words: Scite Verum. Colite Iusticia. Vivere Con Gaudium.


  1. It sounds nice. Here, in Chicago, we’ve had unusually warm weather. In the nine winters I’ve spent here, this one must be the mildest.

  2. I would mention the unseasonably warm weather up here, too. Except that would tempt Winter into drilling us with a snowstorm tomorrow and ice through May, probably. So if it weren’t for that, I’d say, California, Schmalifornia.

  3. Yeah, this has been the mildest winter I can recall as well. What makes it weirder is that it comes on the heels of a pre-Halloween near-blizzard. It’s supposed to be in the upper 60s to 70s all week here, I think.

  4. Most years you would be right, Burt. But yesterday I was outside in shorts and a t-shirt, barefoot. Your attempt to invoke jealousy has failed, my friend!

  5. Forecast for Wednesday here is sunny and 81, we’re trying to convince my father-in-law to uncover the pool.

  6. Up here, it’s actually only seriously snowed twice or so this year and in neither case did it stick. A couple days ago, I had to turn the air conditioning on in the car. A part of me is enjoying the pleasant weather, though another part of me feels stiffed somehow. Recognizing that the studded tires are a sunk cost doesn’t seem to keep me from muttering that I haven’t really used them yet. Especially since this might be our last winter up here.

    During my visits to the Third Coast, I typically wore a jacket so that the cigarette smell didn’t get onto my clothes. It was actually uncomfortable to do so… in January and February. So warm Marches are nothing new to me. I suppose the California advantage comes in the summertime, when the Gulf heat is nigh-unbearable.

  7. The weather has been slightly warmer than usual for this time of year here in Oregon, but it’s still not great. We are getting all that rain we were supposed to get a few months back. This particular combination is robbing me of the snow that I love so much. There is a silver lining to every dark cloud; you are correct, avocados are a steal! I’m not getting seven for a dollar, but close enough.

  8. I am not predisposed to find the current patterns of weather reassuring.

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