Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.


  1. All these Presidents had their Vice Presidents weasel out of their duties.

    • I don’t understand this guess vis-a-vis Martin Van Buren. Seems to me Van Buren was the first modern Vice President, including the graduation to the Presidency upon the completion of Jackson’s second term.

      • I was not specific enough because I was trying to be funny. More precisely, the listed Presidents all served during a period of time when a VP had left office (or died) and was not immediately replaced.

        • Yup. All were presidents who had vice presidential vacancies occur during their term.

          • Of course, there were other presidents who didn’t have vice presidents when they took the oath: namely, vice presidents who had assumed the office by secession. So this list was limited to those where the vacancy started while they were president, and not simultaneously with their ascent.

  2. “Weasel out” in this case means died in office or resigned. John Nance Garner served two full terms as FDR’s VP and Henry Wallace served one full term. Aaron Burr completed his one term as Jefferson’s VP.

      • I took the Jeopardy on-line test a couple of years ago and never heard back. The test was difficult and I doubt that I scored high enough to qualify for the next step in the selection process. I do well on trivia questions involving presidents and demographics. On topics such as art and literature, not so well.

        • Whenever you’re stuck, the answer is always Robert Burns.

    • Okay, King of Trivia, the gauntlet has been dropped. If anyone can solve this, it would be you. I made this up at the top of my head so I hope this isn’t too narrowy esoteric. A case of your favorite beer is the prize! Here goes: Crete, Canaan, and Cairo triangulate to connect graph theory, Trafalger Square (Haydn wrote a famous mass commerating the event) and an “I’m too old for this shit” actor. Unifying all of this is a most solemn shade of tears depicting the deep, profound, inconsolable suffering of Christ. Take a crack at it, sir. A clue: try and solve one of three subsets and the rest should unfold fairly easily. Although I’ve given this to 13 friends and only one got it right. Cheers and good luck!

  3. Will–anyh chance you could link me to all of the previous Trivia puzzzles? Thanks.

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