Ten Below, Ten Inches
One of the first things I learned about the extreme cold is that stuff stops working in it. Camera batteries die. Old cars refuse to start up and our new car gets nine miles to the gallon. The power jack… Continue Reading
One of the first things I learned about the extreme cold is that stuff stops working in it. Camera batteries die. Old cars refuse to start up and our new car gets nine miles to the gallon. The power jack… Continue Reading
Clancy will be returning to work, and I will be at home alone with the baby for 10-15 hours. Gulp.
[A] Christian Science Monitor takes a look at growing and declining religions. The mainline protestant denominations are having trouble as people drift either towards more rigid or demanding denominations or away from religion entirely, it helps explain the increased religious… Continue Reading
T-Mobile has been getting a fair amount of attention for its decision to terminate smartphone subsidies. I want to be excited about this. Or, more excited about this than I am. This is, to my mind (as with Yglesias’s) how… Continue Reading
I’m sorry Burt, but Go Vikings!
[A] Now that he is done with the annual chore, it’s the perfect time for Santa Claus to consider relocating to Alaska. [B] It was West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin that made me wonder if the tide really has turned… Continue Reading
Sperm donor, or father? Topekan William Marotta sought only to become a sperm donor — but now the state of Kansas is trying to have him declared a father. Nearly four years ago, Marotta donated sperm in a plastic cup… Continue Reading
(A) Mark Leibovich learned at least 17 things from reading The Economist’s “The World in 2013” issue. Among them, employers in Japan face fines if employees fatten up. Could Japan’s KFC-Christmas connection be a part of the problem? [NYT] [Yahoo!]… Continue Reading
From Ross Douthat: It wasn’t so much that LaPierre’s performance made no concession whatsoever on gun restrictions or gun safety — that was to be expected. It was that he launched into a rambling diatribe against an absurdly wide array… Continue Reading
(A) I can’t have one of these things without at least a couple of links on school shootings. I thought this article explained my discomfort at using high-profile shootings like Sandy Hook as a basis for gun control. [Pacific Standard]… Continue Reading