Masterfully Played?
There is a media frenzy about who Obama will pick to be his running mate unlike any I can remember since I started watching politics as a teenager. It’s really reached a fever pitch this morning. Is this a case… Continue Reading
There is a media frenzy about who Obama will pick to be his running mate unlike any I can remember since I started watching politics as a teenager. It’s really reached a fever pitch this morning. Is this a case… Continue Reading
Senator Joe Biden says “I’m not the guy.” I believe him. I would like it to be Biden for two reasons — first, my preference is McCain over Obama and I think Biden presents a target-rich opportunity for Republicans to… Continue Reading
Senator Joe taking a trip to Georgia isn’t going to quiet it. Obama still needs to shore up his foreign policy credentials, and naming Biden as his running mate would be a really good way to do it. Despite some… Continue Reading
I’m not saying wimps can’t win Presidential elections. They have. George Bush the Elder was thought of as a wimp. And Jimmy Carter, I mean, really, have we had a bigger wimp in office since Franklin Pierce? But I can’t… Continue Reading
According to Karl Rove, who knows a thing or two about reading the electoral map, there are four states that will be really contested and which can make a difference, comparing 2004 to 2008. The states are Colorado, Michigan, Ohio,… Continue Reading
Unfortunately, this sort of thing is almost inevitably going to happen again. It’s not clear whether this guy wanted to kill Obama based solely on race or whether he was simply a whackadoodle since he apparently also wanted to off… Continue Reading
It’s not real. But it’s not all that hard to imagine that it is.
Justin Gardner at Donklephant is impressed with Barack Obama’s suggestion that people adequately maintain their cars and keep their tires properly inflated to increase their gas mileage. He is unimpressed with the proposal to increase offshore oil drilling (memo to… Continue Reading
In 2000, the entire Presidential election depended on a few hundred votes in Florida. In 2004, the only battlefield of any significance was in Ohio, which was decided by a 2% margin. This year, it’s looking more and more like… Continue Reading
It’s a strange thing when Republicans are openly and aggressively lobbying for offshore oil drilling. Not that they were ever opposed to it; it’s just that in the political environment I’ve been used to for my entire adult life, Republicans… Continue Reading