Monday Trivia #38
The top thirteen states on this ranking are, in order: Hawaii, Arizona, Delaware, Rhode Island, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Idaho, Indiana, Colorado, Wyoming, Tennessee, Massachusetts, and then North Dakota.
The top thirteen states on this ranking are, in order: Hawaii, Arizona, Delaware, Rhode Island, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Idaho, Indiana, Colorado, Wyoming, Tennessee, Massachusetts, and then North Dakota.
Sheila Tone is a coblogger of mine over at Hit Coffee. Despite the fact that she doesn’t post very often, a not-insignificant part of my readership is there to read her and not me. She’s a family services lawyer that… Continue Reading
Asked with sincerity, not snark. To a Muslim, Islam is the “voluntary submission to God.” How is that different than the Christian concept of grace?
I’m enjoying the process of deflagging quotes. Today, I came across an article on Slate describing what are portrayed as theocratic tendencies among Republican Presidential candidates. So without referencing the original Slate article with these quotes, see if you can match… Continue Reading
{Every now and again, I have to “get out of my system” something that has been bothering me. I know the time has come because when, instead of just clearing the deck and writing a post about it, it starts… Continue Reading
Hello all. I will be taking over the Monday Trivia for at least a while. I do not expect to be as good as Burt at finding questions that are both difficult but answerable. I have a couple coming down… Continue Reading
Yes, the title is completely ripped off from Elias. Hopefully he does not mind. Perhaps the greatest thing about dogs is how responsive they are when you are glum. They don’t have the slightest clue about what to do about… Continue Reading
Inspired by Tod Kelly’s claim that we U.S. Americans are really closer to one another politically than we think, following is a quiz. All remarks are taken from the speeches of either John McCain or Barack Obama accepting their respective… Continue Reading
It seems to be something of a retrospective, arms-akimbo, looking backwards in satisfaction sort of mood up at the front page. I was the first sub-blogger invited to particiapte in the community here like this, and the experiment has always felt… Continue Reading
Once upon a time, I had a client from Another Land Far Beyond The Seas, who was a tetraphobe. He hired me because neither my bar number, my firm’s address, nor its telephone number contained the number four, nor did… Continue Reading