Still hip deep in Assassin’s Creed III, but I’m taking over New York at this point rather than merely taking over Boston. They establish early on in the game a decent rogues gallery and then give you reason to dislike… Continue Reading
Still hip deep in Assassin’s Creed III, but I’m taking over New York at this point rather than merely taking over Boston. They establish early on in the game a decent rogues gallery and then give you reason to dislike… Continue Reading
For this week’s segment, we’re going to be reading the next two stories, “Into the Night” and “Lost Hearts” and we’ll discuss them Thursday. We need someone (or someones!) to recap! Any volunteers? (Of course, I will be the recapper… Continue Reading
Holy cow, is tomorrow Friday already? Indeed it is. Work is winding down for the year, I’m told. I wouldn’t know. None of my daily plans survive the contact of my butt hitting the chair. I went in today planning… Continue Reading
This is a guest post from our very own Mike Schilling! Euclid’s Elements begins its study of geometry by listing five self-evident postulates, from which the whole of the science will be proven: A straight line can be drawn between… Continue Reading
Our assignment was to read the fifth and sixth issues from The Doll’s House: Men of Good Fortune and Collectors. KatherineMW provides the former, Jason Tank provides the latter. Glyph’s introduction to Sandman, in three parts, here, here, and here. Preludes and… Continue Reading
Brother Kyle has recently read Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and has come away from it bummed. A couple of weeks ago, Brother Mike mentioned this song as a vaccination against grumpy. I’ve got a handful of those myself. Here are a couple:… Continue Reading
This week, our assignment was to watch the episode “The Abducted” from Season Three of Fringe. (You can read the Television Without Pity Recap here, while the AV Club has their recap of the episode here. The post dedicated to… Continue Reading
You’ve seen Independence Day, right? That seems like such a silly thing to ask but you start counting on your fingers and you realize that it’s pretty much the same thing as someone in 2028 asking “You’ve seen The Avengers,… Continue Reading
So we had a Burn Notice Season Three marathon on Friday and we yelled “HOLY COW!” at the screen more than once. We also yelled “DANG!” more than once because this was, apparently, the “broken ankle” season. Everybody broke their… Continue Reading
I’m still playing Assassin’s Creed III but I’ve also picked up Hitman: Absolution and it’s sitting over there on the couch waiting to be the game for after AC:III. Gotta say, though, I understand that Hitman spends most of its… Continue Reading