For the last week, I’ve had the entire soundtrack to A Chorus Line playing in my head (1975, Broadway). Man I hope I get it. I hope I get it. How many people does he neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed? It was fun on… Continue Reading
For the last week, I’ve had the entire soundtrack to A Chorus Line playing in my head (1975, Broadway). Man I hope I get it. I hope I get it. How many people does he neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed? It was fun on… Continue Reading
We’re still *BETWEEN* bookclubs. However, if’n you want to get prepared for the coming Bookclubination and you haven’t already, you should pick up Fringe: The Complete Third Season and/or The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes. We’ll start up Bookclub,… Continue Reading
The moment you realize that you’re not watching the movie (or television series) that you thought you were watching. There’s a number of these in various movies that, in some cases, turn a pedestrian experience into a good experience and,… Continue Reading
Having watched both The Expendables and Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, I can now say that I am surprised and delighted at the current state of the mindless Hollywood action movie. It feels like there was a period there where… Continue Reading
So I’m back to playing The Witcher 2. The first time I played through the tutorial, I defeated one single opponent before being squashed into the dust. “Suggested Difficulty Level: Easy” the game said to me. So, this time, I… Continue Reading
I have beaten the main storyline of Sleeping Dogs and have had time to think on it. I can’t really recommend most of it. I mean, don’t get me wrong. It’s one heck of a guilty pleasure and if you… Continue Reading
Holy cow, is tomorrow Friday already? Indeed it is. We’ve entered the part of work where everything has moved from *AUGH CRAZY* to the creepy silence when you know that the killer is in the basement. Or, at least, it… Continue Reading
So I am trying to chill. There are a couple of very good songs for chillin’, and they follow: Ironically, You Gots To Chill is not a good song to chill to. So… what are you listening to?
Okay, we’ve got, like, three announcements. Each, I’d say, is exciting. Announcement The First: We’re going to be starting up Season Three of Fringe in, oh, let’s say 3 weeks. You’ll want to get your Fringe: The Complete Third Season soon,… Continue Reading
So I picked up FTL on Steam (as of this moment, it’s on sale! Nine bucks!) on the strength of a couple of reviews (yes, that latter review is from Ben Kuchera, the guy who not only said that he… Continue Reading