I’ve got a box full of booze/mixers for the party tonight and that made me think of Boegiboe’s various mixology posts so I thought that I would post the drink that I’d daydreamed about making for the dinner tonight: 2… Continue Reading
I’ve got a box full of booze/mixers for the party tonight and that made me think of Boegiboe’s various mixology posts so I thought that I would post the drink that I’d daydreamed about making for the dinner tonight: 2… Continue Reading
Holy cow, is tomorrow Friday already? Indeed it is. So I’m still telling myself that I’m still, technically, in the middle of my vacation but… yeah… it’s winding down. Tonight, I am going to watch a movie (maybe Hanna again…… Continue Reading
We’ve all heard about The Last Guardian, right? It’s from the same team that made ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. If you haven’t heard about it, the “Official E3 Trailer” is here and, lemme tell ya, it looks *AMAZING*.… Continue Reading
So the music I’ve been listening to this week is off of Rod Stewart’s “Every Picture Tells a Story” which is, seriously, one of those “this guy must have sold his soul to make this album” albums. It’s absolutely transcendent.… Continue Reading
Before we get to the boilerplate, I just wanted to say that this… THIS!… was the episode that made me want to start this danged Bookclub in the first place. This is the episode that told me that the series… Continue Reading
So I saw Total Recall (2012) today and, of course, it made me think of Total Recall (1990). Is this a good thing or a bad thing, you ask? Well, let’s just say it’s a thing that should be compared… Continue Reading
I’ve been catching up on Season Four of Fringe (OH MY GOSH IT IS SOOOO GOOD) and I just finished the episode where people started forgetting to remember to forget and we’ve got a plan today to the “let’s drive… Continue Reading
In trying to fill the Mass Effect 3 Ending-shaped hole in my life, I’m playing Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (which, so far, seems to be making more promises than fulfilling them… I get into any given section and, WHAM,… Continue Reading
You may remember, a while back, we spoke about pinball tables and making virtual tables on a console of the real physical games you used to play in the arcades… well, I mentioned there that my favorite machine was “Bride… Continue Reading
Here’s the crazy thing at work: the boss is on vacation this week, right? So, normally, this is the week where we… well… we don’t SLACK OFF… it’s just that we don’t feel like we can’t hit the drive-thru before we go… Continue Reading