Crack Cocaine For The Computer
A friend asked me, “What’s the point of The Sims? How do you win a game like that?” The answer is, you don’t “win” this game. It’s not really a game at all, it’s a toy. And it’s a deeply… Continue Reading
A friend asked me, “What’s the point of The Sims? How do you win a game like that?” The answer is, you don’t “win” this game. It’s not really a game at all, it’s a toy. And it’s a deeply… Continue Reading
The Fish Wrapper‘s “budget balancer” toy is admittedly simplistic, but by accepting that I had to both raise some income taxes and cut a bunch of stuff, I got from a $24,000,000,000 deficit to a $789,000,000 surplus for the state… Continue Reading
Many sports fans in the United States have little idea of just how big it is that the U.S. national team is in the finals of the Confederation Cup. We lost our first two games against powerhouse Brazil and the… Continue Reading
Man, that’s one expensive trip Mark Sanford just took to Buenos Aires. I don’t mean the airfare, hotel, and car rental. He’ll be paying that price in the future.
D.C. Metro crash — very bad news. At least nine people dead and fifty seriously injured. I’ve got many friends who live in D.C. and they all seem to be okay, for which I’m grateful. But that’s no consolation to… Continue Reading
Iran falls into national paralysis as the nation reels from apparently-corrupted elections. Initially, there’s little way for us in the West to tell if the elections were less democratic than expected, but over time we learn that the returns came… Continue Reading
So we got our entry for the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. Mostly, this contains a tremendous amount of advertisements for a tremendous amount of crap that no one wants and a tremendous number of magazines that you are unlikely to… Continue Reading
Scene: [The office, by the coffee machine. Morning. ENTER Transplanted Lawyer and a Co-Worker.] Transplanted Lawyer: “Hey, 65-year-old co-worker, I see you got a tattoo on your forearm this weekend! That’s very cool!” Co-Worker: “Yeah, Younger Co-Worker gave it to… Continue Reading
Here’s fifteen real people who did stuff just like big-time heroes from the movies. Only more impressive in some cases. Not all of them are attractive like movie stars. But it’s somehow more interesting to know that people have really… Continue Reading
Dr. Seuss explains the Iranian election protests. (Source here.)