Monday Trivia #77 [Randy Harris Wins!]

Texas and Arizona have 7 of the top 52 in the contiguous United States. Georgia has five. California has four. Colorado, Oklahoma and Virginia have three. Alabama, Kentucky, Montana, and Tennessee have 2. Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, and Ohio have one.

Hints so far:
– If Canada were included, some provinces would have dominated the list.
– North Dakota and South Dakota not only fall short of having any outside the top 52, but their biggest is outside the top 140 or so.
– The top ten, in order, are located in: Florida, Montana, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, California, Texas, Virginia.
– There is a reason that Hawaii and Alaska were excluded.
– Alaska has four above the one in Florida. Canada has twelve (four in Quebec, four in Ontario, three in Nova Scotia, and one in Manitoba.)
– Ranking relates to size, top being the largest.

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.


  1. My first thought was largest counties, but then I realized Oregon would be on the list.

    There’s a distinct southern and western tilt, despite New York getting a double mention.

  2. Tuesday Hint: I was going to include some Canadian provinces, but they would have dominated the list.

    (Some good guesses here today.)

    • That’s a great guess, MT. But where are the Dakotas? I’m sure there’s big reservations in at least one of them.

      Come to think of it, where are the Dakotas?

    • It appears that Texas has only three Indian Reservations, totaling less than 10 square miles in area. Wonder how that came to be? Well, another reason to assert that Texas isn’t a real Southwestern state.

      • Michael,

        It came to be because Texas came into the Union by a different route than any other state. Originally part of Mexico, then an independent country, then brought in by treaty…but by then it’s basic land structure was set up. Unlike other western states, which were territories before becoming states, Texas has a minuscule amount of federal land in general, not just reservations.

        • As Will T and I have noted on more than one occasion, by western standards none of the states east of the Rockies have significant amounts of federal land :^) Several states — Iowa, Ohio, New York, and Alabama to name four — have a smaller percent of their area as federal land holdings than Texas.

          • Yes, all of those states came into the union before we started thinking seriously about environmental amenities.

    • This is a good guess, but I know for a fact that NJ has at least one of the biggest.

      • Which suggests it has something to do with adjacent states, since Alaska and Hawaii have none, and still allows for some Canadian provinces to be adjacent to states that have even more of whatever it is…

        • Or it could be something they’d dominate in. Will’s not saying they don’t qualify; a number of states are outside the top 52. But Hawaii and Alaska were not included for a reason, making me think their presence on the list might make it obvious.

          So what do Hawaii and Alaska have a lot of that other states don’t? I’m starting to think it has something to do with demographics… population centers wherein greater than 50% of folks report a language other than English as their first language, or something.

  3. Late Wednesday Hints: Including Alaska and Hawaii, the top four would be in Alaska. Including Canada, the top two would be in Quebec (Canada has 13 before you get to that one in Florida – four in Quebec, four in Ontario, three in Nova Scotia, and one in Manitoba). Hawaii is not a contender to be on this list anywhere. [this comment modified by Trumwill for clarity]

      • Sorry for the delayed response on that. I have an assignment for special ed at the middle school today.

        I gotta confess, when James H almost got it on the first go, I thought this question was doomed.

        • That’s a damn fine trivia question. I probably should have got it.

  4. Will-

    When possible, can you throw up the source for the data once it’s been guessed?


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