Fred Thompson Explains The Bailout
Right said, Fred! Sarcasm is not a lost art form after all. Almost makes me wish I’d have voted for the guy. Oh, wait, he dropped out before California’s primary, too.
Right said, Fred! Sarcasm is not a lost art form after all. Almost makes me wish I’d have voted for the guy. Oh, wait, he dropped out before California’s primary, too.
Starring Jack Black as Jesus! You can’t go wrong here.
Left over from when I bought Brewers tickets on our trip to Milwaukee, I got on the Brewers’ season ticket mailing list. The flyer came to the office today and it included an image of one of the most fun… Continue Reading
Going to court on a Monday morning after a long holiday weekend should have been a clue that I needed this product.One of those days.
It’s halftime in Tennessee-Detroit, and the score is 35-10. I think I’ll just check on the box score later (I’m playing LenDale White today; he’s already got two TD’s under his belt) because the Flaming Thumbtacks of Nashville have obviously… Continue Reading
Even the cat, while she’s curled up next to me on the couch while I’m trying to read myself into sleepiness at night. And here I thought dog farts smelled bad. Further evidence of a lack of intelligent design in… Continue Reading
Cyanide & Happiness @
A dialogue between French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Russian Prime Minister and neo-Rasputin Vladimir Putin, as reported in the London Times: With Russian tanks only 30 miles from Tbilisi on August 12, Mr Sarkozy told Mr Putin that the world… Continue Reading
Funny? Or sadly true? The Onion dares to cross the line: WASHINGTON—African-American man Barack Obama, 47, was given the least-desirable job in the entire country Tuesday when he was elected president of the United States of America. In his new… Continue Reading