The Text Is All We Have

Today’s story about the Justice Department obtaining two months’ worth of telephone records from the Associated Press, apparently without a warrant and without any sort of prior notice to the people or entity thus searched, gives me a good platform… Continue Reading

Monday Trivia No. 114 [Mo wins! Assist to Mark Thompson]

The top twenty are: France (44); Canada (40); Germany (33); Mexico (32); United Kingdom (30); Italy (28); Russia and the Holy See (tied at 19 each); Japan (18); Egypt and South Korea (tied at 16 each); Belgium (14); Brazil (13);… Continue Reading

Gun Printing: A Call To Inaction

Once something is published on the Internet, it’s too late to take it back. Ask Anthony Weiner. Pictured to the left is a 3D printer. As predicted here more than half a year ago, it is now a demonstrated reality… Continue Reading

Gastrodestination Portland

To the left is a meal I had in Portland, Oregon Sunday. It was not the best meal I had while my wife and I were there on a weekend jaunt. But it was the gayest. Behold the “Gay Bar,” a… Continue Reading

A Terrible Starting Point

From today’s Boston Herald (via memeorandum): The Tsarnaev family, including the suspected terrorists and their parents, benefited from more than $100,000 in taxpayer-funded assistance — a bonanza ranging from cash and food stamps to Section 8 housing from 2002 to 2012, the… Continue Reading